We know that you are most likely being bombarded with messages about Coronavirus era, whether that be on television, social media, and in your community networks. At times like this, anxiety, stress, fear and negative thoughts can easily take control. You may be worried about being in crowds, your loved ones, your seniors, your 401K or how to manage a quarantine.
Give an Hour and the Campaign to Change Direction want to underscore the importance of your mental health during this time. Using our Healthy Habits as a guide, here are some tips for your emotional health as well as your physical health!
Download our Coronavirus Resources here.
Take Care of You
Check-in With Others
Engage and Connect Wisely
Relax and Reduce Stress
Know the Five Signs
Download our Coronavirus Resources here.
In addition to Change Direction tools, many of our partners have helpful resources that you may want to check out.
If you’re feeling anxious and need someone to talk to, text SIGNS to 741741. The Crisis Text Line is a 24/7, free and confidential service.
The Mighty has created an online community that encourages conversation about mental health issues, resources, education, and good tips for managing these stressful times. Become one of the Mighties.
Read these tips and resources from the ADAA on how to manage anxiety.
Keep up to date on COVID-19 facts from the CDC.
Check out this informative comic from NPR on COVID-19, it’s kid-friendly!
Remember to follow us on Facebook for more up-to-date ways to connect and #ChangeMentalHealth.
Best wishes,
Randy Phelps, Ph.D.
CEO, Give an Hour