“When my husband came home from his 5th deployment he finally recognized everything I had been saying for the past 6 years and decided to seek help. The Army mental health system is so bogged down they could only see him once every 2 months since he was not high risk i.e., he wasn’t engaging in binge drinking or beating me or the kids. However, he exhibited extreme examples of PTSD suffering and was self-medicating with alcohol so I went on the offensive and started looking for resources away from the military and stumbled onto Give an Hour. We were connected with a wonderful woman who assisted us in the reconnection process. We finally let our defenses down because we were no longer looking at home a year, gone a year like it has been the past 11 years. She helped us to take time to simply adjust. Give an Hour is a wonderful organization and it is an amazing thing you are doing. I advocate for this service EVERY chance I get!”