PHOENIX, Nov. 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — University of Phoenix today announced survey findings regarding veterans and active-duty service members’ perceptions about mental health. The survey found that while more than 90 percent of all veterans and active-duty service members believe mental health is as important as physical health, there are significant differences in the likelihood to seek help. Only 30 percent of veterans have sought or considered mental health counseling compared to 72 percent of military personnel currently serving.
One organization leading the charge in changing the culture of mental health and offering resources is Give an Hour. University of Phoenix works with Give an Hour that provides free, confidential mental health care, and support to military and veteran students, alumni and their loved ones. In addition to connecting veterans with mental health resources, the organization has launched educational initiatives to change the conversation about mental health, so that those suffering emotionally are better able to seek and receive care.
Learn more about our partnership with the University of Phoenix.